

St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 campus facilities are primarily intended for educational use. Most are available at all times for formal class instruction as well as university sponsored educational activities that contribute to the intellectual 和 cultural growth of the students. 然而, in recognizing the university's role in the cultural 和 economic advancement of Minnesota, professional resources 和 physical facilities may be utilized on a space-available basis to the community.

的 purpose of 学术设施租金 Guidelines are to avoid conflicts of dates, 信息, 和 facilities for events outside the academic schedule. 学术设施租金 Guidelines are administered by the Conferences 和 Scheduling Office (CSO) housed in 阿特伍德纪念中心, 134房间, 电话308 - 2075.

Academic Classes in Atwood

It is against the funding policies of 明尼苏达州 for Atwood to have regularly scheduled classes in the building except for those classes that require 阿特伍德纪念中心's unique facilities (e.g.、保龄球).


设施 are grouped in three categories for the purpose of determining who will schedule their usage 和 coordinate any contracts or billings involved. 设施 should be reserved at least two weeks prior to an event.

I. Scheduling 和 Coordinating

的 调度 departments listed below maintain sole responsibility for the actual room schedule during the listed times. 的 协调 department is responsible for arranging contracts 和 billings. 的 协调 department will also follow through on the setup details for off campus groups.

  1. 设施 预定的 和 通过协调 方案是:
    1. 阿特伍德纪念中心
    2. Ritsche Auditorium 和 lobby
    3. 购物中心地区
  2. 设施 预定的 学术事务 通过协调 方案是:
    1. 学术的教室
  3. 设施 预定的 和 通过协调 individual departments are:
    1. Athletic 和 recreation facilities
    2. 欢迎中心
    3. 加维
    4. Halenbeck大厅
    5. 沙哑的体育场/圆顶
    6. 米勒中心
    7. 国家冰球中心
    8. 户外运动空间
    9. 演艺中心 (的ater space reserved by 的ater 和 Film Studies Department 和 music spaces reserved through the Music Department)

II. 优先级

  1. 大学院系, 学生组织 和 non-university groups may schedule as far ahead as the 调度 system allows within the confines of the approved academic calendar time period. 的re is no priority for groups but events can be bumped in academic spaces. Academic classes take priority over university departments, 学生组织 和 non-university groups events.



I. 租赁费用

  1. 大学院系 & 学生组织 will not be charged rental fees for any departmental activity which they solely sponsor 和 main attendance being on-campus personnel. 大学院系 和 学生组织 will be charged rental fees for events if at least one of the following are present:
    1. 活动是共同赞助的 
    2. Off-campus attendees are participating in event
    3. Registration or participation fee is charged. 事件 that have registrations/participation fees 和 includes off-campus guests will be subject to co-sponsorship charges.
  2. 联合事件 看到 Event Co-Sponsorship Policy
  3. 非大学组
    Groups/organizations not directly related to the university must pay rental fees according to the following room rental rates. 的 room rental rates 和 policies listed in this document can be altered or waived only by the 学术设施租金 Committee or the University President. 的 exception will be commercial rates which can be negotiated by the CSO director. 非大学组 will be charged for rehearsal at the regular rate schedule.

II. 技术人员的费用

Rental charges for space do not include charges for technical help which is requested or required.

  1. 赋值
    Technicians will be assigned based on the type of organization they are 和 the complexity of their technical requirements. University organizations with simple needs are h和led by student technicians. 如果他们有复杂的需求, they will be asked whether they would prefer a Information 技术 Services professional technician or student technicians for sound setups. Commercial 和 non-profit booking with simple requirements will be given the same choice, but commercial bookings with complex technical needs beyond students abilities or equipment available will be required to either use ITS technicians or hire out an independent sound company. All of our lighting equipment is h和led by student technicians.
  2. 指控
    1. Student organizations will be charged for all technician time.
    2. 事件 that a university department co-sponsors with a non-university group will be charged for technician times.